General Terms and Conditions and Usage Agreement of Hotel Bei den Tongruben, hereinafter referred to as the Hotel

1. The guest accommodation contract (accommodation contract) is generally
concluded in writing. This also applies to changes or cancellations. In individual
cases or emergencies, verbal agreements are also binding. The contract cannot
be unilaterally terminated. To ensure smooth handling of group reservations, the
customer is requested to provide the hotel with a list of names 14 days before

2. Option dates are binding for both contracting parties. The hotel reserves the right
to allocate reserved rooms to other guests after the option dates have expired.

3. Reserved hotel rooms are available to the guest on the day of arrival from 3:00
PM and on the day of departure until 11:00 AM. Reserved rooms are held until
6:00 PM; in the case of guaranteed (written) bookings, until midnight. In the event
of non-arrival without cancellation, the hotel reserves the right to charge
cancellation fees.

4. Subletting or further rental to a third party requires the written consent of the
hotel. If a third party has made a reservation on behalf of the customer, they are
jointly and severally liable with the customer to the hotel.

5. If the content of the reservation confirmation differs from the content of the
registration, the divergent content of the confirmation becomes binding for the
guest and the hotel if the guest does not exercise the right of withdrawal within
10 days.

6. All prices quoted include service charges and value-added tax. Changes in value-
added tax, regardless of the time of conclusion of the contract, are to the benefit
or detriment of the service recipient.

7. The hotel endeavors to carry out wake-up calls to the best of its ability. Claims
for damages due to faulty performance are excluded. Information is also
provided to the best of our knowledge. Claims for damages are also excluded

8. Liability for the forwarding of messages and postal items and their redirection is
limited to intent and gross negligence. Redirects are at the recipient's risk and

9. Lost items are kept for a period of 12 months. Upon request, these will be sent at
the recipient's expense. After the storage period has expired, items with an
apparent value are handed over to the local lost property office.

10. Except for the statutory provisions, no liability is assumed for loss or damage to
items or exhibits brought in. Liability is excluded if items left in rooms or
premises are left unlocked.

11. For reservations, an advance payment of up to 100% of the agreed services may
be required. The due date of the advance payment is determined in accordance
with prior written agreement. For external services, an advance payment in full of
the ordered service may be required.

12. The hotel's liability is governed by Sections 701-703 of the German Civil Code
(BGB). Liability for other reasons is excluded unless damage is caused
intentionally or through gross negligence by the hotel, its legal representatives, or
vicarious agents. Any liability of the hotel is, apart from Sections 701-703, limited
to the amount of the agreed rent. The limitation period for all claims of the guest
is six months.

13. If a parking space is provided for the customer in the hotel car park, this does not
constitute a contract of safekeeping. There is also no obligation on the part of the
hotel to supervise.

14. Invoices without a due date are payable immediately upon receipt without

15. In the event of late payment, the hotel is entitled to charge interest at a rate of 5%
above the respective Bundesbank discount rate, unless the hotel proves a higher
or the guest proves a lower default damage.

16. Refunds or reimbursement for services not used are not possible.

17. The customer can only set off or reduce a claim against a claim of the hotel with
an undisputed or legally binding claim.

18. Cancellation conditions for the cancellation of reserved rooms, as well as no-
show regulations (normally, the cancellation costs, taking into account the saved
expenses for the hotel, amount to 80% of the originally confirmed overnight rate):

a) Hotel rooms outside trade fair periods:
For individual bookings, a free cancellation is guaranteed until one day before arrival. In
the event of a later cancellation or non-arrival, we reserve the right to invoice our
cancellation costs, without the possibility of re-letting for us.

b) Hotel rooms during trade fair or event periods:
Unless otherwise agreed in the reservation contract, a free cancellation is possible up
to 8 weeks before arrival.
After this time, the booking is binding for both parties, and in the event of cancellations
or changes to the booking, we reserve the right to invoice our cancellation costs,
without the possibility of re-letting for us. This also applies to no-shows.

c) for group bookings outside trade fair periods: Unless otherwise agreed in the
reservation contract, a free total cancellation is possible up to 4 weeks before arrival.
After this time, we can only accept partial cancellations of individual rooms, up to a
maximum of 10% of the original booking volume, free of charge.

Internet Usage:
19. The terms of use for Wi-Fi/LAN access apply.

20. Deviating agreements or verbal side agreements require written form to be
effective. They become effective only when confirmed in writing by the hotel. This
also applies to the waiver of the written form requirement. An electronic
signature from email correspondence also fulfills the written form.

21. For disputes arising from this contract and its performance, the jurisdiction of
the court at the location of the hotel (Hanau) is agreed, to the extent legally

22. Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or
become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining

Hotel Bei den Tongruben
Hotel Tongruben GmbH
Omax Kumar Kakkar, Rohan Raj, Youraf Kumar
Im Unterfeld 19
63543 Neuberg
Tel: 06183 20 40-0

Internet Use Agreement
Agreement on LAN/Wi-Fi Internet Access
As of January 1, 2014

Hotel Bei den Tongruben provides you with free LAN/ Wi-Fi access for the duration of
your stay. The following agreements regulate its use for the benefit of all parties

1. Permission to Share LAN/ Wi-Fi Internet Access
The owner operates LAN/ Wi-Fi internet access in his accommodation facility (BHB)
Hotel Bei den Tongruben. He permits the guest to share LAN/ Wi-Fi access to the
internet for the duration of their stay at Hotel Bei den Tongruben. Sharing is a free
service provided by Hotel Bei den Tongruben and is revocable at any time. The guest
does not have the right to allow third parties to use the LAN/ Wi-Fi.
The owner does not guarantee the actual availability, suitability, or reliability of internet
access for any purpose. He is entitled at any time to completely, partially, or temporarily
suspend LAN/ Wi-Fi operation, allow further users, and restrict or exclude guest access
entirely, partially, or temporarily. In particular, the owner reserves the right to block
access to specific sites or services via LAN/ Wi-Fi at his own discretion and at any time
(e.g., sites promoting violence, pornography, or paid content).

2. Access Data
Access is granted by entering a username and password. The access data (username
and password) are intended for the guest's personal use only and must not be disclosed
to third parties under any circumstances. The guest undertakes to keep their access
data confidential. The owner reserves the right to change access codes at any time.

3. Risks of LAN/ Wi-Fi Use, Limitation of Liability
The guest is advised that LAN/ Wi-Fi only provides access to the internet; virus
protection and firewall are not available. Data traffic generated using LAN/ Wi-Fi occurs
unencrypted. Therefore, data may potentially be viewed by third parties. The owner
expressly points out the risk that malware (e.g., viruses, trojans, worms, etc.) may infect
the end device when using LAN/ Wi-Fi.
The use of LAN/ Wi-Fi is at the guest's own risk and responsibility. The BHB assumes no
liability for damage to the guest's PC resulting from the use of internet access, unless
the damage was caused intentionally or grossly negligently by the BHB.
The guest is advised not to open files of unknown origin that were not requested.

4. Responsibility and Indemnification
The guest is responsible for the data transmitted via LAN/ Wi-Fi, the use of paid services
accessed, and legal transactions conducted via it. If the guest visits paid internet sites
or incurs obligations, they are responsible for the resulting costs.
They are obliged to comply with applicable law when using the LAN/ Wi-Fi network
provided. In particular, they are requested to:
• Not use LAN/ Wi-Fi to access or distribute morally or legally objectionable
• Not unlawfully reproduce, distribute, or make copyrighted goods accessible
• Observe the applicable youth protection regulations
• Not send or distribute harassing, defamatory, or threatening content
• Not use Wi-Fi to send mass messages (spam) and/or other forms of
unauthorized advertising.
It is expressly prohibited to visit file-sharing websites, especially for music and film
downloads via our internet. The guest indemnifies Hotel Bei den Tongruben from all
damages and claims by third parties resulting from the guest's unlawful use of the
LAN/Wi-Fi network and/or violation of this agreement, including related costs and
expenses for using or defending against such claims.
If the guest becomes aware, or must become aware, of such a violation of rights and/or
such a breach, they shall inform Hotel Bei den Tongruben of this fact.

5. Availability, Suitability, or Reliability of Internet Access
We do not warrant the actual availability, suitability, or reliability of internet access for
any purpose.

6. Data Protection
Any data collected as part of internet usage via our internet access is treated in
accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

7. Violation of Usage Guidelines
If the guest violates these usage guidelines or if the owner has reason to suspect such a
violation, the owner is entitled to restrict or block the guest's internet access. The owner
assumes no liability for data loss incurred by the guest in this process.